Author: Studio Feiffer e Raimondi

  |   Conference

Il restauro dell’architettura Moderna: come e perchè

The course will deal with the design approach needed to define interventions on modern architecture buildings, distinguished by their recognized cultural value, though not always historically. A conference, workshop, theoretical lessons with practical activities through demonstrations of the operation of some diagnostic techniques and operating...

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22 September 2016
05 November 2016
  |   Uncategorized

Cà Brutta: il restauro

Il progetto di restauro della Ca Brutta, ideato e condotto dallo Studio Feiffer & Raimondi, si riconosce nell’ambito della cultura della conservazione che attribuisce medesima importanza all’aspetto formale e a quello materico dell’architettura non trascurando l’effetto del tempo che stratifica eventi , significati e fatti.  Il...

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18 April 2016
  |   Conference

Art Bonus

Mecenati per Palazzo Brunenghi Castelleone (CR), March 28th, 2015 Speakers: Prof. Pietro Fiori (Mayor of Castelleone), prof.ssa Orsola Edallo (Councillor for Culture), Lucia Ursi (Director of Virgilio Brocchi Library), Dr. Giampiero Carotti (archivist), prof. Carlo Pizzamiglio (Head of education for the Museum), arch. Anna Raimondi (Studio Feiffer&Raimondi)      ...

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21 October 2015
  |   Videos

Career award

During the elegant gala evening for the celebration of the 150 years of the Red Cross, which took place on Friday, October 10th in Treviso, in the renowned Fondazione Cassamanca Auditorium, with concert of the orchestra "I Solisti Veneti" conducted by Maestro Claudio Scimone, the...

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21 October 2015