Author: Studio Feiffer e Raimondi

  |   Conference

La Villa in un libro

Villa della Torre, Fumane di Valpolicella (VR) February 22nd, 2014 Entrusted to Pierpaolo Brugnoli’s editing, author of many studies on history of art and architecture, Villa della Torre in Fumane di Valpolicella relies on contributions from many researchers who work and studied in particular within the University...

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21 October 2015
  |   Conference


Urban Center, Bassano del Grappa April 10th, 2014   This seminar brings together very different experiences among four architects and an emergency psychologist who deal with the topic at different times and under different points of view, from the reconstruction in Emilia Romagna after the earthquake of 2012,...

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21 October 2015
  |   Conference

Economies of the Re-Use of Historic Heritage

From the sustainability in restoration to examples of exploitation   Update workshop addressed to owners of historical buildings, public and private administrators, professionals and consultants involved in requalification and in the income generation of the architectural heritage and landscape. This seminar is designed for anyone who wants to...

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20 October 2015
  |   Press

Com’è bella la Cà Brutta

Article by Fulvio Irace ("La Repubblica" 9/27/2015) on the nearing completition of restoration works of the twenties building by Giovanni Muzio. The restoration, designed and directed by Studio Feiffer & Raimondi, started in September 2013 and will end in February 2016.     Read article          ...

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27 September 2015
  |   Conference

Protected areas: praise of the beauty

“International Parks Festival” is “speaking ” about new items, ideas, designs, parks with technicians, professionals, companies and economies in the common commitment to represent the collection of direct and indirect multidisciplinarities that are alive and active in the day-to-day management of a park. “International Parks Festival...

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10 June 2015
  |   Conference

Forum GBC Historic Building

  Following the recent launch of the extended version of the new GBC ® Historic Building Protocol, GBC Italia organizes an opportunity for discussion with stakeholders working in the field of restoration and rehabilitation of historic buildings, in order to share best practices regarding sustainable recovery...

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21 October 2015
  |   Conference

Landscapes and contrasts

Preserving the Landscape beyond artistic values The now concluded cycle of seminars "Landscapes and Contrasts", dedicated to the beauties of our country, to a landscape to protect and defend, to an intrinsic quality of products that the whole world envies us, gave the opportunity to reflect...

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23 April 2015